zondag 30 oktober 2016
donderdag 27 oktober 2016
Performance Chinese in Hollandse Natuur 行为艺术《荷兰自然保护区的中国女人》
Titel:Chinese in Hollandse Natuur
Techniek:Performance, opname
Materieel:mobiel telefoon, Chinese lied Bamboos Onder de Maanlicht op toonlader G kruis, Afrikaanse drum, Natuur gebied Land van Zaligheid
Gefilmed door Lucia Brummer
材料:高调(升G)歌曲《月光下的凤尾竹》,非洲鼓,荷兰自然风景保护区恩救公园, 手机
woensdag 26 oktober 2016
Performance Zo Hollandse Zoon, Zo Chinese Moeder! 行为艺术《如此荷兰儿子, 如彼中国母亲》
谢谢朋友们关心我, 尤其是最近一段时间多位朋友担心我的安危。 志敏记住了, 感恩在心。其实我挺好的,孩子们也挺好,神一直很眷顾我, 只是盼望沦陷区同胞们能早日自由,平安,活得有尊严。 附上我的新作 《如此荷兰儿子, 如彼中国母亲》 ---志敏合十!
Veel dank aan degenen die zorg over me gemaakt hebben, vooral in de afgelopen tijd zijn veel vrienden erg bezorgd over mijn veiligheid en welzijn. Jullie hebben daarmee kracht en liefde aan me gegeven. Ik ben erg dankbaar en voel me niet meer alleen. Ik hoop dat mijn landgenoten in de door CCP bezeten streken net zo leven als alle andere mensen in onze westerse maatschappij: met respect en vrijheid. Hierbij een nieuwe performance van mij samen met mijn jongste zoon Christian: Zo Hollandse Zoon, Zo Chinese Moeder! ---- Saluut! Zhimin
Really lots of thanks to the persons who have warried about me, about my safety and my well-being. You heve given me strenth and love to go on. I am not any more alone. In fact it goes well with me and my Chrildren. I do hope that all courntrymen in the by-CCP-occupied area of China can live freely and with respect, just like anymore else in our Western society. Here I share a new performance of me together with my youngst son Christian: Such Hollandse Son, Such Chinese Mother!-----
Salute! Zhimin
Photograph:Lucia Brummer
vrijdag 21 oktober 2016
Installatie Theehuis Harry van Bommel 组装作品《哈利茶屋》
21-10-2016, Turnhout
汤志敏以《窗》为代表的作品展自10月1日国殇日上了自由亚洲电台首页以来, 她的作品一直受到各方关注, 近期的几个展出意向正在洽谈之中。
Since Tang Zhimin 's work "The Window" as representative on the exhibition on October 1, the National Memorial Day, which was reported by Radio Free Asia on its front page, Tang's works have been concern of many parties. Several exhibitions in the near future are being negotiated.
荷兰知名政治家,社会党(SP)国会要员 哈利(Harry van Bommel) 于10月21日休假期间, 特意到汤志敏在比利时住处观摩汤志敏的作品。 他说:“我感到汤志敏的作品很特别, 方式上,她展出的作品就是她本人, 她的使命, 她的经历。第二, 汤志敏通过她的作品展示了另一个中国和那个中国的人,而他们都被遗忘了。”
Harry van Bommel, a prominent Dutch politician and parliamentary member of the Socialist Party (SP), made a special trip to look at Tang's works at her Belgian residence during his vocation on 21 October. He said: "I feel that Tang's works are very special. Not only the way she shows. Her works are herself, her mission, her experience. But also, Tang Zhimin shows us through her works another China and the people of that China. And they are both forgotten. "
除了赞赏汤志敏的作品和她本人以外, Van Bommel来观摩汤的作品《窗》 主要是要通过行动告诉中国人, 也告诉世界, 荷兰友好的人也大有人在,那些警察的野蛮行为代表不了荷兰。他特意在那个警察照的面前和汤志敏合影, 用微笑和善意安慰并鼓励汤志敏:“ 在实现使命的路上, 遇到什么困难都是正常的,真正的智者是那些知难而上的人。”
In addition to appreciation of Tang Zhimin's works and herself, Van Bommel's trip for Tang's work " The Window" is also aimed to tell the Chinese people, and also to tell the world through action , that there are also many friendly people in The Netherlands . Bad acts of those police can not represent The Netherlands . He took specially a photo with Tang Zhimin in front of the photo of that bad police man who was arresting Tang Zhimin. With smile and kindness he encourages Tang Zhimin: "All difficulties are normal on the way to the realization of one's mission. The real wise are those who know the hardship but never give up."
汤志敏在自己的家里举办了这次特殊的展览, 她将以前展出过的组装作品《窗》 继续组装成《哈利茶屋》,并让哈利感受东方礼节:脱鞋, 打坐, 饮茶。她说: “我的作品不只是为了抗议,那只是表面的。 深层的含义是友善, 生命和被埋没了的中华文化和传统,所以起名《窗》”
Tang Zhimin held this special exhibition in her own home. She installed with the ever installed and edexhibition work " The Window" to a new work "Harry's Tea House". She let Harry feel the Oriental etiquette: take off the shoes, meditation and drinking tea . She said: "My work is not just for protest. That is only the surface. The deep meaning is kindness, life and the ever buried Chinese tradition and culture. That is why I name it " The Window ".
除了《哈利茶屋》以外, 汤志敏还特意组装了作品《乡恋》,《饮茶人》,《五色旗,哈达和佛像》等
In addition to "Harry's Tea House", Tang Zhimin specially assembled "Heimwee", "Tea Drinker", "Five color flag, Khada and Buddha"
由组装作品《窗》 继续组装成的作品《哈利茶屋》。 原料:组装作品《窗》,地毯,茶具,哈利和汤志敏本人
"Harry's Tea House" made of installation " The Window" . Materials: Installation "The Window", Carpet, Tea Set, Harry and Tang Zhimin.
由组装作品《窗》 继续组装成的作品《哈利茶屋》局部
Part of "Harry's Tea House", which was installed with the installation " The Window".
组装作品《乡恋》。 原料:钢筋, 石头,植物,陶器,兵马俑,中国古瓷器, 鼻烟壶,针灸人体模型等
Installation "Heimwee". Materials: steel, stone, plants, pottery, terracotta warriors, Chinese ancient porcelain, snuff bottles, acupuncture model, etc.
Tang Zhimin: "My five-color flag can cause easily resonance by the Dutch people, including those policemen who arrested me often praise this flag. Dutch master Mondrian is famous for using red, yellow, blue and white to paint. The five color concept is in the Dutch culture deep-rooted, meaning diversity, mutual respect, peaceful coexistence. For the Dutch audience, I do not have to explain anything.
汤志敏:“图片中这个警察就曾经不止一次表示我的五色旗很好看。7月15日那天抓我的时候, 他也在, 他应该是个小头目, 我听见他们在对讲机里讨论如何对待我。
一般来说, 荷兰警察是比较人性和人道的, 近年来在中共国钱包政策的影响下, 这些警察执法中对否认中共国是中国, 主张中华民国才是中国的活动人士以及西藏人和法轮功学员常常有粗鲁的行为,这很让人气愤。 但是, 他们毕竟不是中共国的恶警,如果他们明白中国的真相并公开向我道歉, 我便准备原谅他们, 毕竟我们的敌人在北平的中南海, 而这些荷兰警察是我们要争取的对象。再说, 我的四个孩子都是荷兰人, 我对荷兰人是有感情的。”
Tang Zhimin: "Police man in this picture showed more than once that my five colored flag is beautiful. On July 15th, the day when I was again arrested, he is also there. He should be a small head. I heard them in the walkie-talkie discussing about how to treat me.
In general, the Dutch police is humane. But in reccent years, under the influence of the money diplomatic policy of the Chinese Communist Party, the police treats those activists who deny the Chinese Communists State as China and advocate the Republic of China as real China, as well as the Tibetans and the Falun Gong practitioners very badly. I am very angry about this. But after all, they can not be compared with the evil guards of the Chinese Communist Party. If they understand the truth of China and publicly apologize to me, I am prepared to forgive them. After all, our enemies are in Zhongnanhai, Peking, China, and these Dutch policemen are those who we need to have as friends. Besides, my four children are all Dutch. I have feelings for the Dutch people. "
汤志敏以《窗》为代表的作品展自10月1日国殇日上了自由亚洲电台首页以来, 她的作品一直受到各方关注, 近期的几个展出意向正在洽谈之中。
Since Tang Zhimin 's work "The Window" as representative on the exhibition on October 1, the National Memorial Day, which was reported by Radio Free Asia on its front page, Tang's works have been concern of many parties. Several exhibitions in the near future are being negotiated.
荷兰知名政治家,社会党(SP)国会要员 哈利(Harry van Bommel) 于10月21日休假期间, 特意到汤志敏在比利时住处观摩汤志敏的作品。 他说:“我感到汤志敏的作品很特别, 方式上,她展出的作品就是她本人, 她的使命, 她的经历。第二, 汤志敏通过她的作品展示了另一个中国和那个中国的人,而他们都被遗忘了。”
Harry van Bommel, a prominent Dutch politician and parliamentary member of the Socialist Party (SP), made a special trip to look at Tang's works at her Belgian residence during his vocation on 21 October. He said: "I feel that Tang's works are very special. Not only the way she shows. Her works are herself, her mission, her experience. But also, Tang Zhimin shows us through her works another China and the people of that China. And they are both forgotten. "
除了赞赏汤志敏的作品和她本人以外, Van Bommel来观摩汤的作品《窗》 主要是要通过行动告诉中国人, 也告诉世界, 荷兰友好的人也大有人在,那些警察的野蛮行为代表不了荷兰。他特意在那个警察照的面前和汤志敏合影, 用微笑和善意安慰并鼓励汤志敏:“ 在实现使命的路上, 遇到什么困难都是正常的,真正的智者是那些知难而上的人。”
In addition to appreciation of Tang Zhimin's works and herself, Van Bommel's trip for Tang's work " The Window" is also aimed to tell the Chinese people, and also to tell the world through action , that there are also many friendly people in The Netherlands . Bad acts of those police can not represent The Netherlands . He took specially a photo with Tang Zhimin in front of the photo of that bad police man who was arresting Tang Zhimin. With smile and kindness he encourages Tang Zhimin: "All difficulties are normal on the way to the realization of one's mission. The real wise are those who know the hardship but never give up."
汤志敏在自己的家里举办了这次特殊的展览, 她将以前展出过的组装作品《窗》 继续组装成《哈利茶屋》,并让哈利感受东方礼节:脱鞋, 打坐, 饮茶。她说: “我的作品不只是为了抗议,那只是表面的。 深层的含义是友善, 生命和被埋没了的中华文化和传统,所以起名《窗》”
Tang Zhimin held this special exhibition in her own home. She installed with the ever installed and edexhibition work " The Window" to a new work "Harry's Tea House". She let Harry feel the Oriental etiquette: take off the shoes, meditation and drinking tea . She said: "My work is not just for protest. That is only the surface. The deep meaning is kindness, life and the ever buried Chinese tradition and culture. That is why I name it " The Window ".
除了《哈利茶屋》以外, 汤志敏还特意组装了作品《乡恋》,《饮茶人》,《五色旗,哈达和佛像》等
In addition to "Harry's Tea House", Tang Zhimin specially assembled "Heimwee", "Tea Drinker", "Five color flag, Khada and Buddha"
"Harry's Tea House" made of installation " The Window" . Materials: Installation "The Window", Carpet, Tea Set, Harry and Tang Zhimin.
由组装作品《窗》 继续组装成的作品《哈利茶屋》局部
Part of "Harry's Tea House", which was installed with the installation " The Window".
组装作品《乡恋》。 原料:钢筋, 石头,植物,陶器,兵马俑,中国古瓷器, 鼻烟壶,针灸人体模型等
Installation "Heimwee". Materials: steel, stone, plants, pottery, terracotta warriors, Chinese ancient porcelain, snuff bottles, acupuncture model, etc.
组装作品《饮茶人》 原料:自制彩陶, 石头, 灯具, 盆栽, CD, 油彩, 东西方茶具, 餐桌等
Installation"Tea Drinker". Materials: self made painted pottery, stone, lamps, potted plants, CD, paint, East and West tea sets, dining table, etc.
Part of "Harry's Tea house"
哈利:“用我们的微笑抹去阴影, 因为荷兰也是有好人的”。
汤志敏:“《窗》的另一幅摄影是我2009年第一次被荷兰警察抓时的情况,那时候,哈利从国会直接给我手机打电话, 尤其关心的是我的心理状况, 我当时觉得被警察抓很丢人,哈利鼓励我说没关系, 作为活动人士被警察抓是情理之中的事,重要的是如何调整自己,继续出发。 我觉得非常温馨, 将终生感谢”。
Harry: "Wipe the shadows away with our smile, because there are in The Netherlands many good men."
Tang Zhimin: "Another part of "The Window" is a photo showing the case when I in 2009 for the first time was arrested by the Dutch police. When Harry got that news, he called directly from the Congress office to my cell phone, particularly concerned about my mental state. I feel very approciated, will be lifelong grateful. At that time I feel very ashamed that I was arrested by the police. Harry encouraged me and ensured me that it is no probleem to be arrested as a activist during actions.
组装作品《五色旗, 哈达和佛像》。 原料:自治五色旗,佛像, 哈达,灯具, 茶具, 文房四宝等
Installation " Five Color Flag, Khada and Buddha." Materials: self made five-color flag, Buddha, Khada, lamps, tea sets, Kalligraphy set and so on.
汤志敏:“我的《五色旗》很能引起荷兰人共鸣,就包括那些抓我的警察, 也会常常赞美这面旗帜, 因为荷兰大师蒙德里安就是用红黄蓝白黑五原色创作而知名的,五色在荷兰的文化中因此根深蒂固,表示多元, 表示相互尊重, 表示和平共处。对于荷兰观众来说, 我什么也不用解释。”Installation " Five Color Flag, Khada and Buddha." Materials: self made five-color flag, Buddha, Khada, lamps, tea sets, Kalligraphy set and so on.
Tang Zhimin: "My five-color flag can cause easily resonance by the Dutch people, including those policemen who arrested me often praise this flag. Dutch master Mondrian is famous for using red, yellow, blue and white to paint. The five color concept is in the Dutch culture deep-rooted, meaning diversity, mutual respect, peaceful coexistence. For the Dutch audience, I do not have to explain anything.
汤志敏:“图片中这个警察就曾经不止一次表示我的五色旗很好看。7月15日那天抓我的时候, 他也在, 他应该是个小头目, 我听见他们在对讲机里讨论如何对待我。
一般来说, 荷兰警察是比较人性和人道的, 近年来在中共国钱包政策的影响下, 这些警察执法中对否认中共国是中国, 主张中华民国才是中国的活动人士以及西藏人和法轮功学员常常有粗鲁的行为,这很让人气愤。 但是, 他们毕竟不是中共国的恶警,如果他们明白中国的真相并公开向我道歉, 我便准备原谅他们, 毕竟我们的敌人在北平的中南海, 而这些荷兰警察是我们要争取的对象。再说, 我的四个孩子都是荷兰人, 我对荷兰人是有感情的。”
Tang Zhimin: "Police man in this picture showed more than once that my five colored flag is beautiful. On July 15th, the day when I was again arrested, he is also there. He should be a small head. I heard them in the walkie-talkie discussing about how to treat me.
In general, the Dutch police is humane. But in reccent years, under the influence of the money diplomatic policy of the Chinese Communist Party, the police treats those activists who deny the Chinese Communists State as China and advocate the Republic of China as real China, as well as the Tibetans and the Falun Gong practitioners very badly. I am very angry about this. But after all, they can not be compared with the evil guards of the Chinese Communist Party. If they understand the truth of China and publicly apologize to me, I am prepared to forgive them. After all, our enemies are in Zhongnanhai, Peking, China, and these Dutch policemen are those who we need to have as friends. Besides, my four children are all Dutch. I have feelings for the Dutch people. "
dinsdag 4 oktober 2016
Frenk:'We hoeven ons er niet voor te schamen dat we om elkaar geven.'
他说:我们不需要因为我们互相关爱而遮掩什么, 全世界都可以知道我们之间的友谊。对他来说, 汤志敏是他永远要保护和崇敬的天安门《自由女神》。
汤志敏为她的《流泪的天安门》用毛笔签名留念, 并将西方人的名字写成汉字, 深受欢迎, 有观众纷纷要求跟她学习中国书法。
maandag 3 oktober 2016
On The Front Page of Radio Free Asia 上了自由亞洲電台首頁
Photo: Frenk van der Linden (left), Dutch famous journalist, TV documentary producer, Presentator, witnessed the Tiananmen Massacre in 1989, followed en interviewed the Tiananmen generation for over 10 years and published "Clap with One Hand", made time out of his busy schedule to come to visit Tang Zhimin's exhibition as support for her works and her actions. Said to Tang Zhimin: "You have suffered ! But What you have done is wonderful! Wonderful art pieces you show here! My admiration!"
Van der Linden is the first person who sees the artist value in Tang Zhimin's works. In 1999 he collected Tang Zhimin's painting "Betrayal"
圖片說明:Frenk van der Linden (左), 親歷天安門屠殺,跟踪採訪天安門一代10多年並出版過《孤掌難鳴---天安門一代》, 荷蘭名記者, 電視紀錄片製作人,節目主持人, 在百忙之中抽出時間來聲援湯志敏的作品展和她的行動。更是來安慰她,他對湯志敏說:"這些年你受苦了!可是你的行动和你的艺术都很了不起!我由衷敬佩!" Frenk 也是第一个收集了汤志敏艺术作品的人。早在1999年, Frenk就看到了汤志作品的艺术价值,他收藏了汤的作品《叛》。
Screenshot 1:Radio Free Asia Cantonese
圖片說明:自由亞洲粵語版截圖 1
Screenshot 2: Radio Free Asia Cantonese
圖片說明:自由亞洲粵語版截圖 2
圖片說明:自由亞洲粵語版截圖 2
The two days exhibition in Amstelveen, Netherlands, finished with Tang Zhimin's live performance "China of Mondrian's Five-Color ". Picture: Tang Zhimin is showing and explaining the five-color flag according to Chinese five thousand years five-elements tradition. She sung hereafter the "Qingyun song" which is also five thousand years old. Artists and the audience said: Tang Zhimin's song has astonished them, suggesting her to sing canto opera.
Image: Introduction of Dutch Master Mondrian
Translation of the Report of Radio Free Asia:
Translation of the Report of Radio Free Asia:
Exiled Chinese Artist Criticizes the West for Coopereation with CCP
Image 1: October 2014, Tang Zhimin (left), an exiled Tian-An-Men student and activist, met with Dutch politician Harry Van Bommel to support Hong Kong's "umbrella revolution." (Photo by Van Bommel 's office)
Image 2: In October 1, 2016, Tang Zhimin,exiled student from Tian-An-Men in 1989, now Dutch artist and writer , in art exhibition "Atelierroute 2016 Amstelveen" explains her works to audience. Photo by Zhong Li
Image 3: 2016 October 1 -2, exiled Tian-An-Men student Tang Zhimin participates an art exhibition in Amstelveen, Amsterdam, Netherlands. Photo by Zhong Li
On the 67th anniversary of the founding of Communists China of the CCP, Tang Zhimin, a former student of the 1989 Democracy mMovement in exile, accused the Communists authority of killing through art exhibition in the Netherlands. She criticizes also the Western countries for constantly compromising with the Chinese Communists in recent years. (Wu Yitong / Cheng Wen from Europe)
Tang Zhimin, an exiled student from China and human rights activist, living in Holland, attended a local art exhibition at the invitation of the Amstelland Art Association (VAK), Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Tang Zhimin's works became a popular part of the exhibition, have received warm reactions from the other Dutch artists and the audience. Some of her works were collected.
Tang said she had felt great changes in the Western society in her twenty years of exile after 1989. Many Western countries have abandoned their democratic values and are making unreasonable compromises with the Chinese Communists authority in recent years.
Voice of Tang: Since 2008, that is, after the Beijing Olympics, the entire western society has turned to follow the CCP. Some issues have been avoided. Sharp politicians, journalists, lawyers and even activists dare not openly to speak out against the Chinese Communist Party. Even cultural prominants are avoiding serous issues in China. I, as activist from China and artist, live under a lot of pressure, which was very different before. Because of my participation in Tian-An-Men Movement, I have received repect from all of this society. And suddenly, from the year 2008 and later, a big turn of 180 degrees is happened. I myself have been arrested several times. The works I show on this exhibition are based on the arrests of me in The Hague. I want to share with the world how Dutch police deals with a dissident artist from China. Do I live in a free Western country? Is this a colony of the Chinese Communist Party?
"Chinese Business Woman" and "Dutch Police Man," are made of photos of arrests of Zhimin Tang in The Hage, printed in real size on textile fabric as huge curtains, behind the curtains a small window on the wall, in the window a small price list of human organs. On both sides of the curtains, Tang Zhimin's other works are displayed.
Her work "Belgian Banker " is a letter from a Belgian bank, refusing to open a bank account for Tang Zhimin's officially registered institutions " Truth Commission China " for the reason of " applying for political appeal ". She printed the reject mail and framed it as art piece.
Because of the interference of the Chinese Communists regime, the publisher of her book "Tears of Tian-An-Men," refused to send the published books to the distribution channels and she had to buy all the books by her herself. She used some of the books to build a tower, named it "Tower of Babel". One single book is locked and hanged on the ceiling as installation, called "Freedom of Blocking".
Tang Zhimin was a survivor of the June 4th Massacre. At the outbreak of the Tiananmen Movement in 1989, she studied in the Beijing Language and Culture University. After the June 4th Massacre, she was expelled from the university and later went to study in the Netherlands. In recent years, she has launched several art forms as protest against the Chinese Communists authority. Her works such as "Chinese Stone", "Crying for Tibet", "Lady Liberty" and "Chinese Business Woman" were reported by Dutch media.
Tang Zhimin pointed out to the reporter that her works are mostly based on her experiences in recent years. The background of "Chinese Business Woman" occurred in the end of September 2009. Chinese Communists embassy in the Netherlands was carrying out the 60th anniversary of their National Day 30 days celebration activities through out the whole Netherlands, brainwashing and bribing the whole country. In the same period the local gorvernment of The Hague organized a cultural festival in the city hall. Tang Zhimin was refused to enter. The reason was " political information on her body". She then launched in the street in front of the city hall a performaning art. She dressed as a Chinese business woman, exposing the Chinese Communists authority extracting human organs and suppressing human rights persecution in Tibet. She was arrested for the first time by the Dutch police.
"Dutch Police Man" occurred in July of this year. The Hague Court made the South China Sea decision. A demonstration was hold in front of the Peace Palace in The Hage. Chinese Communists Embassy in the Netherlands was suspected behind the organization of this demonstration. Tang Zhimin went there to take a look. Some participants beated her and threatened her by saying "we shall extract your organs". Dutch police did not stop them. Instead, Tang Zhimin was arrested because the police " has no other means to protect her."
maandag 26 september 2016
Exhibition Invitation 2016年“藝術之路”作品展邀請函 Persbericht
Noot:Nieuwsbank nl 2016/09/26 verspreidt deze drie talige uitnodiging met als titel 編者註:2016年9月26日荷蘭新聞庫用中英荷三種語言登載了這個邀請函,題目是:
Tevens uitnodiging aan Haagse burgemeester Van Aartsen 給海牙市市長的個人邀請函
Den Haag-Amstelveen, 20160926 - Op Atelierroute Amstelveen 2016 doet Zhimin Tang mee. Zij toont haar confrontaties, die ze als Chinese artieste en activiste sinds 2008 meegemaakt heeft met de Haagse politie EN met de burgemeester zelf, als kunstprojecten. Ze stuurt een persoonlijke uitnodiging aan de Haagse burgemeester Jozias van Aartsen als persbericht rond in liefst drie talen- Nederlands, Chinese en Engels
海牙 - 阿姆斯多芬,20160926 - 湯志敏參加2016年阿姆斯多芬“藝術之路”作品展,她將她作為一個中國藝術家和社會活動家自2008年以來與海牙警方和市長本人打交道的經歷作為藝術項目來展示。她把給海牙市市長先生的個人邀請函作為新聞稿用中英荷三種語言到處發散。
Geachte heer burgemeester Van Aartsen,
Ik nodig u hierbij van harte uit om mijn kunstwerken op Atelierroute 2016 Amstelveen te komen bekijken.
Het is van 11:00 tot 17: 00 op zaterdag 1 en zondag 2 oktober 2016. Adres is de Parelvisserslaan 1, Amstelveen.
Het is een bescheiden gezamenlijke expositie samen met andere kunstenaars. Ik ben nog lang geen Ai Wei Wei, maar wie weet. De toekomst is unkown.
De stukken die ik laat zien zijn o.a. gebaseerd op incidenten die ik in de afgelopen jaren sinds 2008 als Chinese activiste en artieste meegemaakt heb in uwe gemeente, vooral met de politie, maar ook met u persoonlijk.
Mocht u inderdaad tijd maakt en moeite doet om te komen. Laat me of mijn assistent weten zodat we u kunnen verwelkom. Of maak een foto van uzelf met mijn werken en stuur dat naar mij. Ik vervaar dit als de meeste dierbare troost en aanmoediging.
我誠摯地邀請您來 Amstelveen 2016年藝術之路作品展觀看我的作品。
時間是從11:00到17:00週六和週日,10月1-2日,2016年。地點是 de Parelvisserslaan 1 Amstelveen。
Dear Mr. mayor Van Aartsen,
I invite you cordially to come see my works at Atelierroute 2016 Amstelveen.
It is from 11:00 to 17: 00 on Saturday 1 and Sunday, October 2, 2016. Address, de Parelvisserslaan 1, Amstelveen.
It is a modest joint exhibition with other artists. I am still far from Ai Wei Wei, but who knows. The future is unkown.
The pieces that I show are inter alia based on incidents that I experienced as a Chinese activist and artist in recent years from 2008 in your city, especially with the police, but also with you personally.
If you actually make the time to come. Please let me or my assistant know so that we can welcome you. Or take a picture of yourself with my works and send it to me. I see this as the most precious consolation and encouragement.
Zhimin Tang
LINE/WhatsApp: +32 466 439 000
website: atelierchina.blogspot.com
de heer Wang
LINE/WhatsApp: +31 633 883 575
Met een Groet,
Zhimin Tang en dhr. Wang
zondag 25 september 2016
Digitale Kunst 數碼藝術作品: Belgische Bankier 《比國銀行家》
Content: Screenshot letter from BNP Paribas Fortis Bank
Mrs. Tang,
I have just called for consult for the account you wish to open by our institution. Unfortunately, the bank can not give approval for the opening of the account.
The reason is that the foundation has a political purpose that is can come under discussion. Research showed that no account can be opened for your foundation by us. I wish you success in your future projects.
With best regards,
內容: 比利時銀行來信, 拒絕中華真相委員會在他們那裡開賬戶, 原因是這個組織有政治訴求。為了保護寫這封信的個人, 我將其姓名隱去。照片是原電子郵件截圖, 下載以後可以放大看。
Inhoud:Screenshot brief van BNP Paribas Fortis Bank
Mevr. Tang,
Ik heb u zonet gebeld in verband met de rekening die u wou openen bij onze instelling. Helaas kan de bank geen goedkeuring geven voor de opening van de rekening.
De reden hiervan is dat de stichting een politiek doel in zich heeft dat maatschappelijk ter discussie kan staan. Na onderzoek is gebleken dat er voor uw stichting geen rekening kan worden geopend. Ik wens u alle succes toe in uw verdere project.
Met vriendelijke groeten,
For privacy reason I hereby hide the name of this person | Commercieel adviseur
Retail & Private Banking Belgium | BNP Paribas Fortis NV
Email turnhout-centrum@bnpparibasfortis.com
T+32 (0)2 762 60 00
F+32 (0)2 565 04 18
Adres Gasthuisstraat 11 - 13, 81165, 2300 TurnhoutWebsite [www.bnpparibasfortis.com]www.bnpparibasfortis.com
About the foundation 中華真相委員會
de stichting mentioned
Performance art "Canopy Flowers" 行為藝術作品《華蓋》
材料: 彩紙,白布,針線,架子,歌曲《小河淌水》《青藏高原》
Time: May 2009
Location: Belgium,Home Garden
Materials: colored paper, white cloth,sewing,shelves, songs "Rippling Brook" "Tibetan Plateau"
Collage In Het Gareel 堆砌作品“天衣無縫”
- 材料:行為藝術作品“天衣無縫”在荷蘭媒體的報導
- 報紙
- 油漆
- 膠水
- 中共軍人
- 荷蘭孩子
- 英國大使館
- 貴州背帶
- 絹花
Time: 1999
Location: Beijing, The Netherlands
- Performaning art "Seamless" in the Dutch media
- Newspaper
- Paint
- Glue
- Chinese Communist soldiers
- Dutch child
- British Embassy Beijing
- Strap from Guizhou
- silk flower
Installation 20 kilo Heimwee 裝置作品《鄉戀二十公斤》
材料:泥土20公斤,彩陶,鋼筋,桌子,落葉, 等
Duration: 2007-2016
Location: Netherlands, Belgium
Materials: Earth 20 kilo,ceramics, steel, table, leaves, 额提出。
材料:泥土20公斤,彩陶,鋼筋,桌子,落葉, 等
Duration: 2007-2016
Location: Netherlands, Belgium
Materials: Earth 20 kilo,ceramics, steel, table, leaves, 额提出。
Performance Untitled 行為藝術作品《無題》
時間: 2009年9月16日
地點: 荷蘭海牙國際會議中心大廳
說明:中共使館收買了荷蘭國際會議中心劇場, 永久取消了與反映中國傳統文化的纽约神韻藝術團的上演合同,並在此邀請荷蘭各界名流慶祝60年中共國大慶。
藝術家湯志敏和及攝影師卡洛斯(2009年World Press攝影獎自然景物組金獎得主)前往, 準備參加慶祝, 然而, 他們不但沒有被允許進入會場, 反而被劇場保安百般糾纏和刁難。
Time: September 16, 2009
Location: The Hague, The Netherlands Hall International Conference Centre Wereld Forum
Photo: Unknown
Description: Communists Chinese Embassy bribed Netherlands International Conference Center Theater, permanently canceled stage contract with Shen Yun Performing Arts from New York which reveals values and forms of Chinese traditional culture. At that moment a grand celebration was hold inside the theater, many Dutch prominants were invited.
Artist Tang Zhimin and photographer Carlos Fernando Gutierrez (Winner 2009 World Press Photography Awards Nature ) went there, hoping to participate in the celebration. However, they were not only not allowed to enter, but also were entangled in every possible way to make things difficult by theater security.
An anonymous photographer passed by and captured this shot from outside the glass window.
聯繫 Contact:
LINE/WhatsApp: +32 466 439 000
website: atelierchina.blogspot.com
zaterdag 24 september 2016
Organ salers,Haagse Mayer Van Aartsen and Wife 器官銷售者,海亞市市長及夫人
材料: 海牙市長範阿爾岑先生 等
攝影:卡洛斯(2009年World Press攝影獎自然景物組金獎得主)
Time: September 16, 2009
Location: The Hague, Netherlands
Materials: The Hague mayor Van Aartsen ect.
Photography:Carlos Gutierrez
聯繫 Contact:
LINE/WhatsApp: +32 466 439 000
website: atelierchina.blogspot.com
Performance One Voice 行為藝術作品《一個聲音》
- 白色梅花旗袍
- 記者三名
- 美華園室內
攝影:Han Schenk
Time: Chinese New Year 2008
Location: Home in Belgium
- White Chinese Shanghai dress with plum flower
- Reporters three
- Indoor Garden US-CHINA
聯繫 Contact:
LINE/WhatsApp: +32 466 439 000
website: atelierchina.blogspot.com
Performance Lady Liberty 行為藝術作品《自由女神》
地點: 荷蘭阿姆斯特丹
- 巨型白色面料
- 報導6.420週年的報刊
- 關於真實西藏和中國的傳單
- 彩紙
- 黑色油漆
- 金色油脂
Time: June 4, 2009
Location: Amsterdam
- Giant white fabric
- Newspaper with the 20th annual report about Tian An Men Massacre
- Leaflets about real China and real Tibet
- Black paint
- Gold Oil
- Cloured paper
聯繫 Contact:
LINE/WhatsApp: +32 466 439 000
website: atelierchina.blogspot.com
Performance Bos, Brand, Rijst en As 行為藝術作品《林火米土》
- 中共國錢幣數張
- 打火機一個
- 中華民國國旗五色旗和青天白日滿地紅旗各一面
- 雪山獅子旗一面
- 星月旗一面
- 理髮師一個
- 頭
- 發
- 橫幅一條
- 黑色服裝一套
- 聲援香港黃絲帶數個
Location: Gate Communists Chinese Ambassy, The Hague, Netherlands
Time: October 1, 2014
- dozens of PRC paper money
- A lighter
- Five colored flag and the red flag with blue sky en bright sun of the ROC
- Flag of Tibet
- Moon and stars flag
- A barber
- head
- hair
- A banner
- Black clothing set
- SeveralY ellow Ribbons for Solidarity with Hong Kong
聯繫 Contact:
LINE/WhatsApp: +32 466 439 000
website: atelierchina.blogspot.com
LINE/WhatsApp: +32 466 439 000
website: atelierchina.blogspot.com
vrijdag 23 september 2016
Performance Gezang Aan Zee 行為藝術作品《海灘放歌》
- 聲音播放器一個
- 深藍色服裝一套
- 海風足夠
- 沙灘
- 大海
- 白雲
- 藍天
- 晚霞
- 太陽
- 陰雲
- 雷霆
- 危險信號路標第47
- 海鳥一隻
聯繫 Contact:
LINE/WhatsApp: +32 466 439 000
website: atelierchina.blogspot.com
LINE/WhatsApp: +32 466 439 000
website: atelierchina.blogspot.com
Performance Chinese Princes Wen Cheng 行為藝術作品《大唐公主文成》
- SAVE TIBET 粘貼 17 個
- 正黃色服裝一套
- 正黃色披肩一條
- 黑色油墨少許
- 自製移動舞台一個
- 朋友數個
攝影:卡洛斯(2009年World Press攝影獎自然景物組金獎得主)
- SAVE TIBET stickers 17 x
- Yellow clothing 1 set
- Big Yellow shawl 1x
- Zwarte Inkt
- Selfmade portable stage
- Several friends
Photography:Carlos Gutierrez
聯繫 Contact:
LINE/WhatsApp: +32 466 439 000
website: atelierchina.blogspot.com
Performance "Witte Lotus" 行為藝術作品《沙灘上的白蓮》
- 白色紙袋720個
- 沙子
- 白色服裝一套
- 淡藍色披肩一條
- 法輪佛法音樂《普度》
Location: Beach,The Hague, The Netherlands
Time: night,July 20, 2016
- White paper bags 720 x
- sand
- White clothing set
- A pale blue shawl
- Falun Dafa music "Pudu"
聯繫 Contact:
LINE/WhatsApp: +32 466 439 000
website: atelierchina.blogspot.com
LINE/WhatsApp: +32 466 439 000
website: atelierchina.blogspot.com
dinsdag 20 september 2016
About Zhimin Tang 湯志敏 簡介
“I am Chinese, but I am made in Holland.”
Zhimin Tang (1969), overleefde het bloedbad op 4 juni 1989 op het Tian An Men Plein (het Plein van de Hemelse Vrede).
Ze is auteur van het boek Tranen Over Tian An Men, een levensverhaal van een Nederlandse-Chinese vrouw en haar strijd om de Hemelse Vrede.
1986年至1991年,就讀於北平中國語言文化大學語言文學系對外漢語教學專業。1989年6.4後在國內輾轉逃亡,1991年被校方開除。1991年 - 1994年,自學中國傳統醫學並參加教育部考試。
Ze studeerde Cultural Communication aan de Universiteit voor Talen en Culturen te Peking (1986-1991) en Chinese Geneeskunde volgens een zelfstudie programma van het Chinese ministerie van onderwijs (1991-1994).
1995年到荷蘭留學,1996年 - 1997年,就讀於荷蘭NIJMEGEN大學外國留學生入學預科班,學習荷蘭語和荷蘭文化社會學。1997年 - 2000年,就讀於荷蘭萊頓大學漢學院,主攻中國研究科目。
In 1995 kwam ze naar Nederland. Aan de Universiteit van Nijmegen studeerde ze Nederlands (1996-1997) en Sinologie aan de Universiteit van Leiden (1997-2000).
湯志敏在荷蘭開始了她的大學學業之後,發現了藝術的新大陸,她就學於荷蘭AKV-聖尤斯特藝術學院學習視覺藝術(2006年- 2008年),並師從多個中國和荷蘭的聲樂大師和表演藝術家。
Zhimin ontdekte het bijzondere van kunst pas nadat zij aan haar universitaire studies in Nederland was begonnen. Zij studeerde Beeldende Kunst aan de AKV-St. Joost (2006-2008) en volgde prive zangles van verschillende zowel Chinese als Nederlandse zangpedagogen en podium muzikanten.
中國的複雜性和她對自己身份不斷深入的認知,往往是她藝術創作的靈感。她以非常自我的方式 - 聲音,圖像,歌唱和舞蹈相結合來表達,靈活多樣,不拘一格。她的展覽空間可以是任何場合,所有的有形和無形的眾生都是她的觀眾,因為“藝術必須要忘掉而美好一定要實現。”
De complexiteit van China en daarbij het groeiend besef over haar eigen achtergrond waren vaak haar inspiratiebronnen. Zij drukt zich op een zeer eigen wijze uit. Stem en beelden, zang en ook dans, ze maakt gebruik van veel verschillende expressiemiddelen. Haar expositieruimtes kunnen zich overal bevinden en alle zichtbare en onzichtbare wezens kunnen haar toeschouwers zijn, want “art has to be forgotten and beauty has to be realised”.
Zij beschouwt Piet Mondriaan die schilderde met primaire kleuren rood, geel, blauw, wit en zwart, als een van haar grootse inspirators. Haar performances zoals Chinese Steen, Crying For Tibet, Lady Liberty en Chinese Zakenvrouw zijn op de Nederlandse TV te zien geweest en in de Nederlandse kranten is er over gepubliceerd.
Een van de media publicaties over een van Zhimin Tang's projecten: Kunst biedt podium voor vredesactie
錄像 video:中国梦 China Dream
“I am Chinese, but I am made in Holland.”
Portret van Zhimin Tang op de Dam te Amsterdam 湯志敏在阿姆斯特丹自由廣場上 |
Zhimin Tang (1969), overleefde het bloedbad op 4 juni 1989 op het Tian An Men Plein (het Plein van de Hemelse Vrede).
1986年至1991年,就讀於北平中國語言文化大學語言文學系對外漢語教學專業。1989年6.4後在國內輾轉逃亡,1991年被校方開除。1991年 - 1994年,自學中國傳統醫學並參加教育部考試。
Ze studeerde Cultural Communication aan de Universiteit voor Talen en Culturen te Peking (1986-1991) en Chinese Geneeskunde volgens een zelfstudie programma van het Chinese ministerie van onderwijs (1991-1994).
1995年到荷蘭留學,1996年 - 1997年,就讀於荷蘭NIJMEGEN大學外國留學生入學預科班,學習荷蘭語和荷蘭文化社會學。1997年 - 2000年,就讀於荷蘭萊頓大學漢學院,主攻中國研究科目。
In 1995 kwam ze naar Nederland. Aan de Universiteit van Nijmegen studeerde ze Nederlands (1996-1997) en Sinologie aan de Universiteit van Leiden (1997-2000).
6 oct. 2014 de Tweede Kamer, ontmoeting met kamerlid dhr. Harry van Bommel voor solidariteit met Hong Kong 2014年10月6日 荷蘭國會 會見議員 Harry van Bommel 先生 聲援香港 |
Zhimin ontdekte het bijzondere van kunst pas nadat zij aan haar universitaire studies in Nederland was begonnen. Zij studeerde Beeldende Kunst aan de AKV-St. Joost (2006-2008) en volgde prive zangles van verschillende zowel Chinese als Nederlandse zangpedagogen en podium muzikanten.
中國的複雜性和她對自己身份不斷深入的認知,往往是她藝術創作的靈感。她以非常自我的方式 - 聲音,圖像,歌唱和舞蹈相結合來表達,靈活多樣,不拘一格。她的展覽空間可以是任何場合,所有的有形和無形的眾生都是她的觀眾,因為“藝術必須要忘掉而美好一定要實現。”
De complexiteit van China en daarbij het groeiend besef over haar eigen achtergrond waren vaak haar inspiratiebronnen. Zij drukt zich op een zeer eigen wijze uit. Stem en beelden, zang en ook dans, ze maakt gebruik van veel verschillende expressiemiddelen. Haar expositieruimtes kunnen zich overal bevinden en alle zichtbare en onzichtbare wezens kunnen haar toeschouwers zijn, want “art has to be forgotten and beauty has to be realised”.
Zij beschouwt Piet Mondriaan die schilderde met primaire kleuren rood, geel, blauw, wit en zwart, als een van haar grootse inspirators. Haar performances zoals Chinese Steen, Crying For Tibet, Lady Liberty en Chinese Zakenvrouw zijn op de Nederlandse TV te zien geweest en in de Nederlandse kranten is er over gepubliceerd.
Een van de media publicaties over een van Zhimin Tang's projecten: Kunst biedt podium voor vredesactie
Recente performance van Zhimin Tang te Amsterdam 湯志敏近期在阿姆斯特丹的藝術表演 |
聯繫 Contact:
LINE/WhatsApp: +32 466 439 000
website: atelierchina.blogspot.com
LINE/WhatsApp: +32 466 439 000
website: atelierchina.blogspot.com
maandag 19 september 2016
Installatie: Het Venster 裝置作品《窗》
Materiaal 原料:
Uitvoering 製作:
Foto's uitgeprint op echte schaal lichaam op stof met een formaat van 100 x 200 cm, staand, vormen twee stukken gordijnen, opgehangen. Op de muur achter de gordijn, een kleine gesloten raampje met geheim over organ harvest in mainland China.
Inhoud 內容:
foto 照片1:
Chinese Zakenvrouw 《中國女商人》
20-09-2009, Gemeentehuis Den Haag, Cultuur Festival - Dag van de Wereld Vrede.Verscheidende NGO's, politieke partijen en artiesten streden op binnen in de hal. Activiste en artieste Zhimin Tang werd haar toegang geweigerd, ook als publiek, omdat zij de “politieke boodschap op haar lichaam droeg”. Zij treed dan buiten op op haar zelf gemaakte podium. Zij verkleedde zich als een Chinese zaken vrouw die levende mensen organen verkocht, voor 60 x 365 Chinese Yuan. Het orgaan was gemaakt van deeg met rode verf. Op haar arm stond “PRC is CCP is NOT China”. Op haar schouder droeg zij een sjaal waarop met SAVE TIBET stickers gevormd swastika die de boedhaschap symboliseert. Zij werd kort daarna gearresteerd door de politie. Fotografie: Zhong Li
In die maand, Chinese Communistische Ambassade voerde een maand lang 60 jaar Het Communistische China Feest in het hele Nederland in alle gradaties. Van brainwashing tot omkopen.
20-09-2009,荷蘭海牙市政府,世界和平文化節。眾多非政府組織,政黨和藝人在大廳裡擺攤演出。人權活動藝人湯志敏被拒絕入內,即使是作為觀眾也不讓進去,門衛說“她的身上有政治信息。”於是,她用自製的舞台於大廳外面進行表演。她把自己打扮成一個中共國女商人,叫賣活人器官,每個60×365元人民幣。該器官由麵團和紅漆做成。她的手臂上寫著“中華人民共和國是中共國不是中國”。她的肩上披著一條圍巾,圍巾上有由“SAVE西藏”貼紙貼成的大型卍 - 佛的標誌。很快她就被警方逮捕了。李忠攝影。
在那個月,中共國駐海牙使館開展了整整一個月的中共國60年大慶,深入到整個荷蘭的各個領域和層次。又洗腦, 又賄賂,又收買。
Hollandse Politieman《荷蘭男警察》
15-07-2016, Vredespaleis, tijdens een demonstratie die feitelijk georganiseerd werd door de Communistische Chinese Ambassade tegen uitspraak over een paar eilanden in de Zuid China Zee van Het Permanent Hof van Arbitrage in Den Haag. Activiste en artieste Zhimin Tang ging daar naartoe kijken. Zij werd erkend door een paar Chinese Communistische handlangers. Door die mensen werd zij geslagen en bedreigd met “We halen je organen eruit!”. Vervolgens werd zij gearresteerd door de politie omdat “er geen andere manier was om haar te beschermen”. Fotogratie: Haibo Wu
15-07-2016,海牙國際和平宮,由中共國大使館組織的抗議集會,抗議國際海洋法庭關於中國南海一些島嶼的決定。人權活動藝人湯志敏前往觀看。她被一些中共的爪牙認出來。這些人公開毆打並威脅她說“我們活摘你的器官”。隨後,她被荷蘭警察逮捕,理由是“沒有其他辦法保護她。” 吳海波攝影。
LINE/WhatsApp: +32 466 439 000
website: atelierchina.blogspot.com
- twee foto's 兩張照片
- een raampje 一個小窗戶
- een gordijn roede 一個窗簾掛桿
Uitvoering 製作:
Foto's uitgeprint op echte schaal lichaam op stof met een formaat van 100 x 200 cm, staand, vormen twee stukken gordijnen, opgehangen. Op de muur achter de gordijn, een kleine gesloten raampje met geheim over organ harvest in mainland China.
Inhoud 內容:
foto 照片1:
Chinese Zakenvrouw 《中國女商人》
20-09-2009, Gemeentehuis Den Haag, Cultuur Festival - Dag van de Wereld Vrede.Verscheidende NGO's, politieke partijen en artiesten streden op binnen in de hal. Activiste en artieste Zhimin Tang werd haar toegang geweigerd, ook als publiek, omdat zij de “politieke boodschap op haar lichaam droeg”. Zij treed dan buiten op op haar zelf gemaakte podium. Zij verkleedde zich als een Chinese zaken vrouw die levende mensen organen verkocht, voor 60 x 365 Chinese Yuan. Het orgaan was gemaakt van deeg met rode verf. Op haar arm stond “PRC is CCP is NOT China”. Op haar schouder droeg zij een sjaal waarop met SAVE TIBET stickers gevormd swastika die de boedhaschap symboliseert. Zij werd kort daarna gearresteerd door de politie. Fotografie: Zhong Li
In die maand, Chinese Communistische Ambassade voerde een maand lang 60 jaar Het Communistische China Feest in het hele Nederland in alle gradaties. Van brainwashing tot omkopen.
20-09-2009,荷蘭海牙市政府,世界和平文化節。眾多非政府組織,政黨和藝人在大廳裡擺攤演出。人權活動藝人湯志敏被拒絕入內,即使是作為觀眾也不讓進去,門衛說“她的身上有政治信息。”於是,她用自製的舞台於大廳外面進行表演。她把自己打扮成一個中共國女商人,叫賣活人器官,每個60×365元人民幣。該器官由麵團和紅漆做成。她的手臂上寫著“中華人民共和國是中共國不是中國”。她的肩上披著一條圍巾,圍巾上有由“SAVE西藏”貼紙貼成的大型卍 - 佛的標誌。很快她就被警方逮捕了。李忠攝影。
在那個月,中共國駐海牙使館開展了整整一個月的中共國60年大慶,深入到整個荷蘭的各個領域和層次。又洗腦, 又賄賂,又收買。
Hollandse Politieman《荷蘭男警察》
15-07-2016, Vredespaleis, tijdens een demonstratie die feitelijk georganiseerd werd door de Communistische Chinese Ambassade tegen uitspraak over een paar eilanden in de Zuid China Zee van Het Permanent Hof van Arbitrage in Den Haag. Activiste en artieste Zhimin Tang ging daar naartoe kijken. Zij werd erkend door een paar Chinese Communistische handlangers. Door die mensen werd zij geslagen en bedreigd met “We halen je organen eruit!”. Vervolgens werd zij gearresteerd door de politie omdat “er geen andere manier was om haar te beschermen”. Fotogratie: Haibo Wu
15-07-2016,海牙國際和平宮,由中共國大使館組織的抗議集會,抗議國際海洋法庭關於中國南海一些島嶼的決定。人權活動藝人湯志敏前往觀看。她被一些中共的爪牙認出來。這些人公開毆打並威脅她說“我們活摘你的器官”。隨後,她被荷蘭警察逮捕,理由是“沒有其他辦法保護她。” 吳海波攝影。
LINE/WhatsApp: +32 466 439 000
website: atelierchina.blogspot.com
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